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CT1721C CuTouch Combined PLC and HMI

(£582.00 Inc. VAT)
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The CT1721C is a combined Programmable Logic Controller with a large mix of analogue and digital I/O and LCD touch screen HMI interface. Ideal for replacing traditional outdated PLC, push-buttons, small LCD combo installations with a single CuTOUCH unit. The CuTOUCH units can be programmed in both BASIC and/or Relay Ladder Logic. Applications can range anywhere from home automation to industrial gas monitoring. Provided with easy-to-use GUI and programming software.

  • 320 x 240 pixel 5.6" graphics LCD Display with backlight and Touch screen
  • 32 digital/opto inputs
  • 32 digital/transistor outputs
  • 17 configurable digital inputs/outputs
  • 8 x 10-bit Analogue inputs, 5V, 10V or 4-20mA
  • 6 x PWM/Analogue outputs
  • 2 x high speed counters
  • 2 x RS232 ports
  • 1 x RS485 port
  • 80k program memory
  • MODBUS protocol supported - both Master or Slave
  • Ladder-logic and/or BASIC programming
  • 9-24VDC PSU
  • 0°C to 70°C operating range

CuTOUCH is a complete integration of a Touch panel, graphic LCD, and CUBLOC embedded computer. In the recent years, there has been increase of use of touch screens in the industrial field. But to use one, the user required connecting to a PLC and earning complex methods in order to use it. In addition, cost of touch screen has been very expensive.

The CuTOUCH is a new type of embedded controller that integrates Touch screen, PLC, and graphic LCD, all into one. The biggest difference between CuTOUCH and other touch screens is that it’s the only Visual Touch screen controller that can be programmed with BASIC and LADDER in the world today.


BASIC language can be used to draw graphics and print characters to the LCD and receive input from the touch screen before processing the x and y positions. Sensor input through I/O, turning relays on/off, AD/DA conversion, and RS232/RS485 communication are very easy to implement in comparisons to traditional non-BASIC PLCs. With the Ladder Logic side of CUBLOC, the user may do sequential processing and real-time logic processing as in traditional PLCs.

CuTOUCH has a flash memory for BASIC and LADDER programs. A serial port can be used to download and debug. After downloading is done, it can run in a “Stand-alone” state.

If you are thinking about developing a device that uses a touch screen, please review CuTOUCH and we guarantee you that you will ultimately spend more time designing and less time developing. 


Cubloc Studio Software

CuBloc modules uses CublocStudio as its main development environment. With CuBloc Studio you can write your BASIC and Ladder programs, simulate and de-bug and download to the CuBloc unit. CuBloc Studio has Ladder logic monitor and Time Chart tools to help with debugging.

The main advantage of CuTOUCH over other PLCs is that it fills Ladder Logic’s weaknesses with BASIC language. Ladder Logic is good enough to replace sequence diagrams, but to collect data, print graphics, and process complex tasks is asking a little bit too much. That is why we added the BASIC language. You can now run both Ladder Logic and/or BASIC!


Another advantage over other BASIC processors is that CuTOUCH is able to separate the amount of work and programming between Ladder Logic and BASIC as necessary. The user is able to debug easier by having two processes work together, instead of grudging through lines of BASIC codes CuCANVAS and Pixel Studio

CuCANVAS and Pixel Studio 

For graphics, there is automatic code-generating GUI (Graphic User Interface) software called CuCANVAS and PixelStudio. CuCANVAS is mainly used for creating boxes, circles, and menu buttons while PixelStudio allows the user to create up to 200 custom characters.



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