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CLCD420-B - CuBloc 4 x 20 LCD Display with Backlight - Blue

(£57.60 Inc. VAT)
Incoming, 10-14 days
CuBloc 20 by 4 Serial/I2C LCD module w/ Software Controlled Backlight

  • Bright Blue & White Liquid Crystal Display
  • 20 by 4 Character LCD
  • CuNET or I2C (4pin) and RS232 Communication(3 or 4pin) (Baud rates for RS232: 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 8-N-1)
  • LED Backlight
  • Easy-to-use native CUBLOC BASIC commands
  • Size (W,H) 98 x 60 mm

Example Code to generate above display;


Const Device=CB280

Set Display 2,0,0,128

Cls    'Clear screen
Csroff 'Cursor Off

Locate 0,0
Print "===================="
Locate 0,1
Print "(c)COMFILE"
Locate 8,2
Print "technology"
Locate 0,3
Print "===================="




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